

Thank you to Nurse 罗兰年代. 感谢她对我一岁大的女儿无与伦比的关心、同情和彻底的关注. 我女儿在医护人员面前特别紧张,在陌生人面前很容易哭. 她不得不忍受一个艰难而漫长的过程,但洛伦护士的技术和对孩子的温柔帮助我的女儿度过了这段经历,几乎没有流泪. My daughter was comfortable, happy, and relaxed. I am so grateful for Loren's 种类。ness, expertise, and 专业ism. 我还要赞扬南希·弗里曼为我们安排这次会面所做的一切.

作者:Alice C.

Bernard D.

Bernard left a lasting memory. He is so attentive and passionate about taking care of his 病人s. 我们将永远铭记他温暖的个性和他所体现的同情心. 谢谢你伯纳德!

By: Daniel/Natalie Q.


Patti was just amazing with my son, always engaging with him. 她还注意到我儿子喜欢抓她的身份证,所以她给他做了一个自己的身份证,上面有他的名字,这是最体贴的事情. She's an absolute angel.

作者:Lara Jane M.


Dr. 艾伯特常 在我的近距离放射治疗(3)过程中给了我很大的安慰. 在整个过程中,张让我感觉很好,起初我不打算进行手术,因为我至今仍不知道,我很高兴我前进了,再次很高兴有他做我的医生



This compliment is way over due for Heather, as my baby was born. 她很了不起——直到我的病例结束,我在康复室,她才离开她的班. Even though she was scheduled to work the next day, she stayed the long hours to keep the continuity of care, and my husband and I are so thankful for that. And she came to check up on me the next morning! Thank you for making my care at UCLA a memorable one.

作者:Susie C.


Shylo是...我们的救世主. 我很害怕,也有点犹豫是否要为我儿子的分娩进行剖腹产. 她帮助我们等待手术,在选择隆胸手术之前,她给了我们和护理团队更多的时间让我儿子恢复. 此外,她对病人的态度非常好,她是一个非常出色的护士.

作者:Grace K.


I recently had a hip replacement with Dr. Erik Zeegen. 这是第8天, 我走路不需要帮助,疼痛减轻到不需要止痛药的程度. I am very happy at my progress.
Dr. Zeegen和他的皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗专业人员以及支持人员都是一流的! 他非常值得花时间来安排,因为他和他的员工都很受欢迎!
I can not recommend this surgeon more than I already have.
他在他的领域里确实是出类拔萃的,有丰富的知识和经验. He is highly 熟练的 and 有 a great bedside manner. 此外, 他花时间倾听他的病人,并彻底解释他们的病情和治疗方案. 此外, 我对他的能力有十足的信心,在我未来可能面临的任何整形手术中,我都会信任他.

作者:James M.


My wife and I have been trying to conceive for quite some time now. And after multiple miscarriages, we finally conceived to full-terms...but as it goes our pregnancy was not without its new and scary complications. 当 Dr. 克里斯蒂娜汉 告诉我们,我们的孩子只有一个肾脏,这可能是一种潜在的遗传疾病, so many thoughts and worries and fears raced through our heads. Not to mentioned my wife also then having gestational diabetes. To say it was a whirlwind would be the understatement of our lifetime. 然而,博士. 韩和皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校在整个过程中都非常关心和同情我们. Constantly checking in and answering our concerns (which there were many of.)现在,我们非常高兴,也很幸运,我们有了一个健康的女婴,我们觉得她得到了非常用心的照顾. 总的来说,皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校各个院系与我们的宝贝女儿(和我的妻子)的关系都很好,这让一切都变得如此天衣无缝,真的减轻了整个过程中担心和担忧的负担. Highly recommend Dr. 汉. Truly a wonderful, caring and thoughtful physician.

作者:Jason B.


Dr. 克里斯蒂娜汉 saved me during this pregnancy. 你的关怀、同情和耐心指引着我度过难关,也指引着我女儿的马赛克诊断... she made me feel confident in the pregnancy, and now that I've delivered... I've never been happier. She's a beyond remarkable doctor. 抓紧她.

作者:Kc B.

Ivanna K.

I went in only to figure out what to do about the toenail that fell off. Dr. Ivanna建伍 let me know about a bunch of resources available. It was extremely helpful

作者:Jonathan O.


当我来做一年一度的皮肤检查时,我感到你们的工作人员很关心我,也很关心我. 非常感谢, Dr. 尼玛Milani-Nejad and Dermatology staff.

作者:Russell G.


Dr. 丹尼斯·苏尔 is consistently thoughtful, and caring and goes above and beyond. I feel grateful that she is my PCP.



I've had blood drawn from me numerous times. Without any reservation, 护士加布里埃拉·梅洛·曼西拉(Gabriela Merlo Mancilla)让这个过程变得无痛,而且很有教育意义. In addition to drawing my blood painlessly, Nurse Mancilla educated me on the ins and outs of blood pressure, including tips for accurate readings. It was a most pleasant and educational experience. Nurse Mancilla is a great ambassador of 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.



This 护士 was incredible. She cared for our father, in the most compassionate and loving way. 最重要的是,她在医疗保健领域非常专业,知识渊博. 她并没有要求皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校系统的倡导者,她真的应该成为所有护士和医疗从业人员在对待病人态度方面的榜样. She is without a doubt, an incredible 病人 advocate.

作者:Steve F.


I have been to this office twice in the last three months for an ultrasound. Your front office staff, Lorraine, is incredible. She is young and is the best "face" for any medical office you would want. She truly cares about you when you walk in and is so 种类。 and 专业. You need to know and recognize her. I don't know what her ambition and career choice is, but if it's something UCLA can nurture and support you don't want to lose her. 她很了不起. 我最近经历了这么多,在办公室里走来走去的这些年里,她很突出. 这里的每个人都很热情,所以你所做的一切都会反映在全体员工身上.

作者:Kelly B.


Saba is so 种类。 and puts in the extra effort with her care. 她的出现非常有治愈作用,她在轮班前特意打扫卫生,并在我的白板上画了一个小笑脸,让我高兴起来. She is an excellent tech and I appreciate having her.

作者:Samantha M.


Dr. 安妮塔Tipirneni 有, from my very first appointment with her, always made me feel fully heard, 受人尊敬的, and supported when talking about my symptoms. I'm never in any doubt that she's helping to the fullest extent she is able, and that's something I don't take for granted with my care. She is always looking for ways to help, and I trust her implicitly.

作者:Sara R.


Nurse Hoer was 熟练的, 信息丰富的, 病人, 种类。, 在照顾我十几岁的儿子第一次大手术(鼻窦手术)后,我做得非常好。.

作者:Lynne C.

Elaina, 索尼娅, 布鲁克, 埃德温,Mark U.

当我去皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校位于圣克拉丽塔/瓦伦西亚的医疗机构做核磁共振时——从我进入大楼的那一刻起——我遇到的所有工作人员:伊莱娜, 索尼娅, 布鲁克, 埃德温, and Mark all went above and beyond in every conceivable way! 我是一名72岁的退休科学教师,从来没有遇到过这么有帮助的人, 熟练的, 专业, and 病人 help and such a positive attitude! 我希望这些了不起的员工都能得到认可,并得到加薪!

Thanks a million, outstanding ovation, and bravo to All!!!!

作者:Pete P.


My total appreciation to Dr. 乔尔·托马斯。 and his staff for the quality and compassionate care, the very efficient way they run the clinic is so amazing. The coordination between my specialist's clinics, Ophthalmologist Dr. 本杰明·伯特心脏病专家 Dr. Behi拉巴尼, 我的皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康(患者门户)的易用性和用户友好性反映了我的医疗保健的所有情况. 一个完美的例子,我的白内障手术前的表格,化验和检查都送到了医生那里. 托马斯博士. 伯特, when I checked in it was like outlined on things to do, 心电图, bloodwork and chest x-ray to re-assess the findings from the previous X-ray. 托马斯医生问我是否有任何健康问题,并立即提供了目前需要做或观察的事情. 最后,去皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心和我的医生团队,一直很愉快,“什么?" . . . pleasant going to the Doctor? 是的, 这是因为没有时间浪费和等待在就诊时被叫到诊所. My appreciation to 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.

作者:Amelia V.

分享 a Care Compliment

感谢医生, 护士, 通过对您的病人或员工的护理表示赞赏而对您的病人或员工的体验产生积极影响的工作人员或志愿者.